The Remedy Logo


Remedy’s logo is very basic and simple it is just basically an R in a circle and says Remedy underneath I think when designing this the Logo Designers were told to just show What the company was called and to keep it simple through both max payne one and two with no animation just showing the logo this goes with the type of setting the game has. The R in the logo zooms into the R circle and displays a bullet this goes with the setting of thier games their games usually show that the solution to a problem is a bullet basicaaly saying that the remedy is the bullet. Then in Alan Wake the Logo animates like it is water this goes with the story of the game because in the game the story revolves around the women of the lake and a house that has been sunken in water. The logo is really not really visually interseting but shows the name of the company the only piece of the logo that caught my eye was the giant R and with that got my attention so I would read the rest.

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