Progress of Game

The layout of the research vessel is almost complete, there are just a few more rooms that need to be done and it should be completed. Apart from the layout of research vessel I have also been working on the technical side. I now have a movable character and also a camera that can follow the player. I have also created a basic layout of how the game will be played. I have put the progress of the research vessel below and also screenshots of the progress of the technical side of the game.

Front of Reserch Vessel Back of Research Vessel
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Below is a layout of the research vessel this is a type of guide to show were the player should go. The player can always deviate from this path, the game will enable the player to walk around freely. In brackets next to certain scenes, they will say either mini game or cut scene. If the word cut scene is next to the word there will be a cut scene here, if it says mini game there will be a mini game at this certain point.

Front of Reserch Vessel Arrangment Back of Research Vessel Arrangment

1. Player Starts here.

2. The door is barricaded player needs crowbar to open door. (Cut Scene)

3. Crowbar is hidden here.

4. Once player acquires crowbar they will be able to enter through the door.

5. Body is dragged up into vent. (Cut Scene)

6. This is where the player first encounters the enemy. (Cut Scene)

7. Player discovers that the controls on the helicopter are broken. (Cut Scene)

8. Keys to unlock the next area are here.

9. Player needs code to access the communications.

10. The code to the communications is hidden here.

11. Once the player has acquired the code, the player will have to fix the radio tower.

12. Player needs to fix communications tower. (Mini Game)

13. Communications computer has been destroyed. (Cut Scene)

14. Player goes to captains quarters to find out what is going on. Player finds a recording that tells the player that the captain is hiding in the submarine.

15. Crane is broken and the player needs to fix it. (Mini Game)

16. Player finds the captain who is now infected. The player will need to hide. (Cut Scene)

17. Player goes to cafeteria to find more survivors.

18. light source is hidden here.

19. note is here saying that the flares are in a room .

20. Flares are here but they have been destroyed.

21. Player goes back to the captains quarters to find out any other information about how to reach help. The player finds a note telling them that the doctor has hidden the EPIRB and that this device is the only way of contacting help.

22. There is a note saying the doctor has gone to the cafeteria.

23. There is another note that says the doctor has gone to the bridge.

24. There is another note saying the doctor has gone to the lounge area.

25. There is another note saying the doctor has gone to the deck.

26. There is a final note saying the doctor has destroyed the EPIRB. (recorded Voice)