Interactive Enviroments

index nectar-card wii-sports-wallpaperToday we are seeing lots of new ways that a person may interact with technology be it with a controller or buttons but now we are seeing a much bigger aspect of this in our society devices like the Xbox Kinect and the wii but there are different types of interactive technology like the club points cards these are a form of gamefifcation the fact that the person has to collect points so they can actually access an actual object this is an example of interactive technology within the real world. The Xbox Kinect rather than having a controller to play the game the person is the controller and uses there body to move the avatar that is in the game this gives off more emersion in to the game because we can see that our actual fiscal being is actually controlling the avatar rather than a controller. In the Max Payne series the player can interact with most of the objects this give the player the enthusiasm to explore the level and try to find any hidden weapons or health items within the game. Here we can see that games are changing and that people are becoming more interested in games and opening the gaming world to not just gamers but everyone.

UDK Tutorial Two

Today I have being building an enviroment in UDK at first I had to create the ground so that the player would have something to walk on or they would keep falling.

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How this was done is I firstĀ  used the geometry button so I was able to get to the right size and thickness of the ground then shaped it into the design you see at the top.

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Then I added the light so that the player would be able to see were they were going to go. To add the light I had to right click on the bottom left window then goto > add actor > add light (point). Then I also had to add a place were the player would start the way I did this was I right clicked then when to > add actor > add player start and with this the prgram an tell were the player will start from.

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Then I used the geometry button then used the pen feature to resize the shapes so I’am able to get the right size.

After getting the right size of the area I then when to view > browser windows > content browser. The content browser is were you can get textures and items to put into the level like barrels or even vehicles but there will be away to make these move I hope to do this later in the future. Then with that I was able to but all the objects into the enviroment I was trying to make this alomost an abondedn area or even an basement.

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What I have taken out of this is that now I know how to use some of the basic tools in UDK and I’am able to use these skills I have learnt here to show my idea’s to other clients.